Iskandar Zulkarnain
Dosen Teknik Elektro
Serambi KLINIK


Di sini tersedia informasi tentang
teknik elektro pada umumnya, yang disusun seperti
frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Kumpulan tanya-jawab seputar teknik elektro ini pernah dimuat dalam rubrik KLINIK harian Jawa Pos setiap hari Minggu.

[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
  1. Server itu Pusat Jaringan Komputer
  2. Internet itu Jaringan Global
  3. Menginstal Air Condition
  4. Bau Hangus dari Hair Dryer

Please note that this web site is still under continuous
construction and not all feature are available for use.
Content is being added on monthly basis
so please visit often.

[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]

We welcome your comment
regarding how we can make this a better website
and hope you enjoy the PadepokanVirtual

Serambi KLINIK PadepokanVirtual
Surabaya Based Virtual Life-long Learning Environment